Natural-looking PMU: Tips And Techniques.

If you’re looking to achieve natural-looking permanent makeup (PMU), you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be sharing some expert tips and techniques to help you achieve flawless results. But before we dive into that, let’s introduce you to Million Dollar Brows. Located in Hampton Falls, NH, Million Dollar Brows is owned and operated by the talented Ms. Elizabeth Smith, a licensed and certified professional with over 13 years of experience in the beauty industry. Elizabeth specializes in various PMU techniques, including eyebrow microblading, microshading, ombre brows, eyeliner, lips, and more. With her extensive knowledge and background, she ensures to prioritize your needs and delivers the best treatment and experience imaginable. So, let’s get started on our journey towards natural-looking PMU.

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Choosing the Right PMU Artist

When it comes to choosing the right PMU (Permanent Makeup) artist, thorough research and recommendations play a crucial role. Take the time to browse through online reviews, ask for referrals from friends or family members who have had positive experiences, and even reach out to professionals in the beauty industry for suggestions. A reputable PMU artist will have a strong reputation and a portfolio that speaks for itself.

Research and Recommendations

Start by researching PMU artists in your area. Look for those who have a substantial amount of experience and positive client reviews. Pay attention to the feedback and ratings given by previous clients, as this will give you a good sense of the artist’s professionalism and skill. Additionally, reaching out to individuals who have already undergone PMU procedures can provide valuable insight and recommendations.

Portfolio and Before/After Photos

Before committing to a PMU artist, it is essential to evaluate their portfolio and before/after photos. This will give you a clear idea of their artistic style, attention to detail, and the quality of their work. Look for artists who showcase a diverse range of clients and different PMU techniques. By reviewing their portfolio, you’ll be able to determine if their aesthetic aligns with your desired outcome.

Certifications and Training

Certifications and training are key indicators of a PMU artist’s skill level and professionalism. Look for artists who have received extensive training from reputable institutions and have valid certifications. This not only demonstrates their commitment to staying updated with the latest techniques but also helps ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to deliver safe and high-quality results. Don’t hesitate to ask the artist about their training and certifications during the consultation process.

Preparing for the Procedure

Preparing for a PMU procedure involves several important steps that should not be overlooked. By following proper skincare and preparation techniques and setting up a consultation with the artist, you can ensure a smooth and successful experience.

Consultation with the Artist

Scheduling a consultation with your chosen PMU artist is crucial in establishing clear communication and expectations. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your desired results, ask any questions or concerns you may have, and gain a better understanding of the procedure and its potential outcomes. This is also a great opportunity to gauge the artist’s communication style and whether you feel comfortable working with them.

See also  Allergic Reactions To PMU: Causes, Symptoms, And Management.

Proper Skincare and Preparation

Before undergoing any PMU procedure, it is essential to properly care for your skin and follow the artist’s preparation instructions. This may include avoiding certain skincare products or treatments leading up to the appointment, as well as ensuring that your skin is clean and free from any irritants. Following these guidelines will help optimize the results and minimize any potential complications.

Understanding the Process

Understanding the PMU process is essential for overall satisfaction and peace of mind. Your chosen artist should take the time to explain each step of the procedure, including the prepping, numbing, and actual pigmentation process. This way, you will have a clear understanding of what to expect and how to properly care for your newly enhanced features during the healing process.

Choosing the Right PMU Technique

PMU offers various techniques to enhance different features, including eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. Understanding each technique’s unique characteristics and choosing the right one for your desired look is an important decision to consider.

Eyebrow Microblading

Eyebrow microblading is a technique that uses a handheld tool to create small, precise hair-like strokes on the eyebrows. This technique is particularly suitable for individuals with thin or sparse eyebrows, as it can create a fuller and more defined appearance. Microblading offers a natural-looking result, with the strokes mimicking the appearance of real hair.


Microshading involves using a stippling technique to deposit pigment onto the eyebrows, creating a soft, powdered effect. This technique is ideal for individuals who desire a more filled-in and defined look but still want a natural appearance. Microshading gives the eyebrows a subtle hint of color and can be customized to match the client’s desired shape and intensity.

Ombre Brows

Ombre brows create a gradient effect, starting with a lighter shade at the front of the brows and gradually transitioning to a darker shade towards the tail. This technique offers a soft, shaded look that mimics the appearance of filled-in eyebrows without the need for daily makeup. Ombre brows are a popular choice for individuals who want a more defined and structured brow appearance.


PMU eyeliner is a technique that involves the application of pigments on the lash line to create the appearance of fuller and more defined eyes. Whether you prefer a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic look, the eyeliner technique can be customized to achieve your desired result. This technique is particularly beneficial for individuals with light or thinning eyelashes.


PMU lip pigmentation can help enhance the shape, color, and symmetry of the lips. Whether you desire a natural-looking blush or a more defined and vibrant lip color, this technique offers a long-lasting solution. PMU lip pigmentation can correct asymmetry, add volume, or redefine lip borders, depending on your preferences.

Natural-looking PMU: Tips And Techniques.

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Achieving Natural-looking Results

When it comes to PMU, one of the most common goals is to achieve natural-looking results. Through various techniques and approaches, talented PMU artists can customize color and shape, simulate hair strokes, and employ gradient and shading techniques.

Customizing Color and Shape

A skilled PMU artist will take into consideration your skin tone, hair color, and personal preferences when customizing the color and shape of your PMU. By using pigments that complement your natural features, the artist can achieve results that seamlessly blend and enhance your overall appearance. Communication with your artist during the initial consultation is essential to ensure that your desired color and shape are captured accurately.

Hair Stroke Simulation

Hair stroke simulation is particularly effective for eyebrow enhancements, as it creates the illusion of natural hair where there may be gaps or sparse areas. By carefully and meticulously applying individual hair-like strokes, a PMU artist can mimic the natural growth pattern of eyebrows, resulting in a realistic and natural-looking outcome.

See also  Customizing PMU For Different Facial Structures.

Gradient and Shading Techniques

Gradient and shading techniques are often utilized to create depth and dimension in PMU applications. By layering pigments and using various intensities, artists can add subtle shading and gradients to achieve natural effects. This technique is commonly used in lip pigmentation to add dimension and create the appearance of fuller, more plump lips.

The Importance of Skin Type

Understanding your skin type is crucial when it comes to PMU, as different skin types require different approaches and aftercare routines.

Dry Skin

Individuals with dry skin may experience PMU pigments fading faster compared to those with other skin types. It is crucial to moisturize the skin properly and follow the recommended aftercare instructions to promote optimal pigment retention. Regular touch-ups may be required to maintain the desired results for those with dry skin.

Oily Skin

Oily skin poses a challenge for PMU, as the excess oil can cause pigments to fade or blur. Proper skincare and aftercare routines are essential to help minimize these effects. Oily skin individuals may need more frequent touch-ups to maintain the vibrancy of their PMU.

Sensitive Skin

For individuals with sensitive skin, it is crucial to consult with a PMU artist who specializes in working with sensitive skin types. They will be able to recommend hypoallergenic pigments and take extra precautions to minimize any potential irritation or allergic reactions. Patch testing may be necessary to ensure compatibility with sensitive skin types.

Aftercare and Healing Process

Aftercare is a vital aspect of any PMU procedure, as it directly affects the healing process and the longevity of the results. It is essential to adhere to the aftercare instructions provided by your artist to ensure optimal healing and pigment retention.

Proper Aftercare Instructions

Your PMU artist will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions that usually include avoiding excessive water exposure, applying specific healing ointments, and refraining from picking or scratching the treated area. Following these instructions diligently is key to achieving the best results and preventing any complications.

Avoiding Certain Products and Activities

During the healing process, it is important to avoid exposing the treated area to sun exposure, swimming pools, saunas, and certain skincare products, such as those containing harsh chemicals. These activities and products may interfere with the healing process or cause pigments to fade prematurely.

Managing the Healing Process

The healing process after a PMU procedure can vary from person to person. It is normal to experience some initial redness, swelling, and tenderness. However, these symptoms should subside within a few days. Applying ice packs, using prescribed healing ointments, and following the aftercare instructions provided by your artist can help manage the healing process effectively.

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Maintaining and Touch-ups

To ensure long-lasting and vibrant PMU results, it is important to understand the concept of color retention and schedule appropriate touch-ups when necessary.

Color Retention and Fading

PMU pigments will naturally fade over time due to factors such as sun exposure, skincare products, and the individual’s skin type. Understanding this fading process will help you manage your expectations and schedule regular touch-ups to maintain the desired color intensity. It is common for touch-ups to be needed every 12-18 months to refresh and enhance the PMU.

When to Schedule a Touch-up

The timing of touch-ups largely depends on the individual’s preferences and how well they have followed the aftercare routine. It is recommended to schedule a touch-up when you notice a significant fading of the pigments or if you desire any shape or color adjustments. Regular touch-ups help maintain the longevity and vibrancy of your PMU.

Long-term Maintenance

Long-term maintenance of your PMU can be easily achieved by following the artist’s aftercare instructions, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and refraining from using harsh skincare products on the treated area. Regular touch-ups and consultations with your chosen artist will ensure that your PMU continues to look fresh and natural for years to come.

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Potential Risks and Side Effects

While PMU procedures are generally safe and well-tolerated, it is important to be aware of potential risks and side effects that can occur.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the pigments used in PMU procedures. Before undergoing any treatment, it is crucial to inform your artist of any known allergies or sensitivities you may have. A skilled artist will perform a patch test prior to the procedure to identify any potential allergic reactions.


Like any invasive procedure, there is a risk of infection with PMU. It is essential to choose a reputable and hygienic establishment and follow proper aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of infections. If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain, or discharge, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.


In rare cases, scarring can occur as a result of PMU procedures. It is important to follow the artist’s aftercare instructions precisely and avoid unnecessary trauma to the treated area. Choosing a skilled and experienced PMU artist greatly reduces the risk of scarring.

Revision and Correction Techniques

In some cases, individuals may require revisions or corrections to their existing PMU. Skilled PMU artists can perform color correction, shape adjustments, and even cover up old PMU to achieve the desired results.

Color Correction

If you are unhappy with the color of your PMU, a skilled artist can perform color correction to adjust or neutralize the pigment. This involves using specialized pigments to correct undertones or to lighten or darken the existing color. It is important to consult with an experienced artist who specializes in color correction to achieve the best possible outcome.

Shape Adjustments

If you are unsatisfied with the shape of your PMU, it may be possible to make adjustments or refinements. A skilled artist can make slight modifications to the shape, symmetry, or arch of your PMU to achieve a more flattering and desired appearance. Communication with your artist is key in expressing your concerns and working together to find a suitable solution.

Covering up Old PMU

For individuals who have previously undergone PMU procedures and are unhappy with the results, it is possible to effectively cover up or camouflage the old PMU with new techniques. Skilled artists can work with you to design a new PMU that effectively conceals or enhances the existing pigmentation, giving you a fresh and natural look.

Choosing the Right PMU Pigments

The choice of PMU pigments significantly impacts the final results. Understanding pigment colors, undertones, and longevity can help you make informed decisions about the colors used in your PMU.

Understanding Pigment Colors

PMU pigments come in a wide range of colors to suit different preferences and skin tones. The artist will work with you to select a pigment color that matches your desired look and harmonizes with your natural features. It is essential to choose an artist who has an extensive color selection and the ability to customize pigments for the best results.

Choosing the Right Undertones

Undertones play a crucial role in achieving natural-looking PMU results. It is important to consider factors such as the existing undertones of your skin, hair color, and the look you wish to achieve when selecting pigments. A skilled PMU artist will take these factors into account, using pigments with undertones that complement your natural features and provide the desired effect.

Longevity and Color Fading

PMU pigments are designed to have varying degrees of longevity. Factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and skincare routines can affect how quickly the pigments fade over time. It is essential to discuss with your artist the expected longevity of the chosen pigments and schedule regular touch-ups to maintain the desired color vibrancy.

In conclusion, choosing the right PMU artist, understanding the different techniques available, and considering your unique skin type and desired results are all critical factors in achieving natural-looking PMU. By conducting thorough research, preparing properly, and following the aftercare instructions provided by your artist, you can enjoy the long-lasting benefits of PMU while minimizing any potential risks or complications. Remember to communicate openly with your artist, as they are there to guide you through the process and deliver the best treatment and experience tailored to your needs.

Check out the Natural-looking PMU: Tips And Techniques. here.