The Rise Of Non-traditional PMU: Freckles, Beauty Marks, And More.

Are you tired of traditional makeup routines? Looking for a way to enhance your natural beauty in a unique and lasting way? Look no further than the rise of non-traditional PMU, or permanent makeup. At Million Dollar Brows, owned and operated by the talented Ms. Elizabeth Smith, you can discover a world of possibilities with freckles, beauty marks, and more. With over 13 years of experience in the beauty industry, Elizabeth is licensed and certified in New Hampshire, ensuring top-notch service and results. From eyebrow microblading to lip enhancements, Elizabeth’s expertise and attentiveness to her clients’ needs guarantee an unforgettable experience. Say goodbye to daily makeup application and hello to a more permanent and effortlessly beautiful you.

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What is PMU?

PMU stands for Permanent Makeup, a cosmetic procedure that involves the application of pigments to the skin, giving the appearance of makeup that lasts for an extended period. Unlike traditional makeup that needs to be applied daily, PMU offers a long-lasting solution to enhance specific features such as eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner.

The Evolution of PMU

Traditional PMU Techniques

Traditional PMU techniques have been around for decades and have primarily focused on enhancing eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner. These procedures involve the use of techniques like microblading and micropigmentation to create precise and natural-looking results.

Emergence of Non-traditional PMU

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the world of PMU as non-traditional techniques have gained immense popularity. Non-traditional PMU involves procedures that go beyond the traditional scope of eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner.

Non-traditional PMU Trends


One of the most notable non-traditional PMU trends is the application of freckles. Freckles can add a touch of youthful charm and natural beauty to one’s face. By strategically placing tiny dots on the skin, a skilled PMU artist can create the illusion of freckles that look genuine and enhance your features.

See also  PMU Vs. Daily Makeup: A Cost And Time Analysis.

Beauty Marks

Beauty marks, also known as beauty spots or moles, have become a sought-after trend in non-traditional PMU. Instead of relying on temporary products like pencils or liners, you can opt for a permanent beauty mark that complements your facial features and adds a touch of uniqueness to your appearance.

Scar Camouflage

PMU techniques have also been utilized for scar camouflage. Whether you have a surgical scar or an injury mark, a skilled PMU artist can match the pigment to your natural skin tone and blend it into the surrounding area, making the scar less noticeable and boosting your confidence.

Areola Restoration

For individuals who have undergone breast surgery, areola restoration can be a life-changing procedure. By skillfully tattooing the areola and nipple area, a PMU artist can recreate a natural-looking areola, helping breast cancer survivors or individuals who have had breast augmentation or reduction to regain their confidence and feel more comfortable in their bodies.

The Process and Benefits of Non-traditional PMU


Before undergoing any non-traditional PMU procedure, it is crucial to have a thorough consultation with a certified PMU artist. During the consultation, you can discuss your desired results, ask any questions you may have, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.


Once you have had a successful consultation, the non-traditional PMU procedure can begin. The artist will use specialized tools and techniques to carefully apply the pigments to your skin, creating the desired effect, whether it be freckles, beauty marks, scar camouflage, or areola restoration. The procedure is typically performed under sterile conditions to ensure safety and minimize any discomfort.


Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the best possible results and minimize any complications. After the procedure, you may experience mild swelling or redness, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days. Following the artist’s instructions for aftercare, such as avoiding certain activities and using recommended products, will help maintain the longevity and appearance of the PMU.

Long-lasting Results

One of the significant benefits of non-traditional PMU is its long-lasting nature. Unlike traditional makeup that requires daily application and touch-ups, non-traditional PMU can last for several years. This means that you can enjoy the benefits of your freckles, beauty marks, scar camouflage, or areola restoration without the hassle of daily makeup application.

Choosing the Right PMU Artist

Training and Certification

When selecting a PMU artist for your non-traditional PMU procedure, it is essential to consider their training and certification. Look for an artist who has undergone specific training in non-traditional PMU techniques and holds the necessary certifications to ensure they have the expertise and knowledge required for the procedure.

See also  Reviews: Top PMU Products And Pigments On The Market.

Experience and Portfolio

Experience speaks volumes in the PMU industry. Look for an artist who has a solid background and extensive experience in non-traditional PMU procedures. It is also beneficial to review their portfolio to see examples of their previous work in freckles, beauty marks, scar camouflage, or areola restoration. This will give you a good understanding of their skill level and attention to detail.

Client Testimonials

Reading client testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insight into the quality of service offered by a PMU artist. Seek out reviews from previous clients who have undergone non-traditional PMU procedures to get an idea of their satisfaction and overall experience. Positive feedback and recommendations can be an excellent indicator of a reliable and skilled artist.

Safety and Cleanliness

Ensure that the PMU artist you choose follows strict safety and cleanliness protocols. The procedure should be performed in a clean and sterile environment, using disposable and single-use equipment. A reputable artist will prioritize your safety and take all necessary precautions to prevent any risks of infection or complications.

Understanding the Risks and Limitations

Allergic Reactions

While allergic reactions to PMU pigments are rare, they can occur. It is essential to discuss any known allergies with your PMU artist during the consultation. They can perform a patch test to determine if you are susceptible to any adverse reactions and use hypoallergenic pigments if necessary.

Color Fading

Over time, the pigments used in non-traditional PMU can fade or change in color. Factors such as sun exposure, skin type, and individual body chemistry can affect the longevity and vibrancy of the pigments. Touch-up sessions may be required to maintain the desired results.

Need for Touch-ups

Non-traditional PMU procedures may require touch-up sessions to maintain the desired appearance. The frequency of touch-ups will vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure, individual skin characteristics, and lifestyle. Consult with your PMU artist to develop a touch-up schedule that suits your needs.

Potential Scarring

While non-traditional PMU procedures are generally safe, there is a minimal risk of scarring, especially for scar camouflage or areola restoration. It is essential to choose an experienced PMU artist who can minimize this risk through precise technique and proper aftercare instructions.

Preparing for Non-traditional PMU

Researching the Procedure

Before undergoing any non-traditional PMU procedure, it is crucial to research and educate yourself about the process. Understand the potential risks, benefits, and aftercare requirements. This will help you make an informed decision and have realistic expectations about the outcome.

See also  Pricing Strategies For PMU Services.

Preparing Skin for the Treatment

To ensure optimal results, it is essential to prepare your skin for the non-traditional PMU procedure. This may involve avoiding certain skincare treatments or medications that can thin the skin or increase the risk of bleeding. Your PMU artist will provide specific instructions based on your unique situation.

Avoiding Certain Medications and Treatments

Certain medications, such as blood thinners, can increase the risk of bleeding and affect the outcome of the non-traditional PMU procedure. It is essential to disclose all medications and treatments you are undergoing to your PMU artist during the consultation. They can provide guidance on any necessary adjustments or precautions.

Aftercare Tips for Non-traditional PMU

Follow the Artist’s Instructions

Aftercare instructions provided by your PMU artist are vital for achieving the best possible results. Follow their guidance on cleansing, moisturizing, and other care routines. Avoid picking at the treated area and refrain from applying any other products without their approval.

Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

Direct sun exposure can fade and distort the pigments used in non-traditional PMU procedures. Protect the treated area from excessive sun exposure by wearing a hat or using SPF-containing products. Minimizing sun exposure will help maintain the longevity and vibrancy of the pigments.

Use Recommended Aftercare Products

Your PMU artist may recommend specific aftercare products to aid in the healing process and maintain the appearance of the non-traditional PMU. Follow their recommendations and avoid using any products that may contain harsh ingredients or chemicals that could irritate the treated area.

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Cost and Maintenance of Non-traditional PMU

Initial Procedure Costs

The cost of non-traditional PMU procedures will vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure, the complexity of the desired outcome, and the location of the artist. It is essential to discuss pricing during the consultation to ensure it fits within your budget.

Touch-up Costs

Touch-up sessions may be necessary to maintain the desired appearance of non-traditional PMU. The cost of touch-up sessions can vary and should be discussed with your PMU artist. It is important to budget for touch-up sessions to ensure the longevity and continued satisfaction with the procedure.

Recommended Touch-up Frequency

The frequency of touch-up sessions in non-traditional PMU procedures will vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure and individual skin characteristics. Your PMU artist will provide recommendations on when and how often touch-up sessions should be scheduled to maintain the best results.


Non-traditional PMU has revolutionized the beauty industry by offering a wide range of options to enhance and transform one’s appearance permanently. From freckles and beauty marks to scar camouflage and areola restoration, these procedures provide long-lasting and natural-looking results. However, it is essential to select a skilled and experienced PMU artist, follow proper aftercare guidelines, and understand the potential risks and limitations associated with non-traditional PMU. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits and confidence that come along with these innovative procedures.

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