Hampton Falls NH Demographics

hampton falls

To understand the demography of Hampton Falls, NH, it is helpful to know the average age and gender of residents. The town has a diverse population, with 25.7% of residents under 18 years old and 4.0% under 24 years old. The median age was 42, and the population was mostly made up of married couples. There were also many single individuals and senior citizens living alone. The average household size was 2.67 and the median family size was 3.03.  Additional info

The population of Hampton Falls, NH, increased by 29 percent between the 1990s and 2000. The city was ranked 126th among all cities in New Hampshire. The city’s per capita income is $66,371, which is above average compared to other New Hampshire towns. A family of four living in Hampton Falls, NH, can expect to make \$265,484. It is also important to note that residents of Hampton Falls come from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds. The majority of residents are White, while others report being Asian, German, Italian, or Irish.

As a family-friendly community, Hampton Falls has a low crime rate. Its public schools are highly rated and a majority of the population is college-educated. Hampton Falls is also home to a large number of single-family homes, providing areas for children to play. The demographic data in Hampton Falls, NH are also impressive. It is important to note that the town is considered one of the most connected cities in New Hampshire, with the highest percentage of residents. Check this out

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Hampton Falls, NH. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest # 1 The Poker Room 1 Lafayette Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844, United States

Point Of Interest # 2 Currier’s Leather Furniture 75 Lafayette Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844, United States

Point Of Interest # 3 NH Liquor & Wine Outlet I-95, Hampton, NH 03843, United States

Point Of Interest # 4 The Sports Barn 95 Drakeside Rd, Hampton, NH 03842, United States

Point Of Interest # 5 Applecrest Farm Orchards 133 Exeter Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844, United States