Hampstead NH Population

Hampstead NH Population

When comparing Hampstead, NH to the rest of New Hampshire, the area has a lower single population percentage than the state’s average of 47%. The population of Hampstead is composed of approximately 43% singles. In addition, the number of married couples is lower than the state’s average, at 66.4%. Those who are single have slightly higher median incomes than other areas of the state. Additional info

The population of Hampstead, New Hampshire is over 8,500. This town, located in Rockingham County, was once a part of Amesbury and Haverhill. A 1739 boundary decision separated the towns and formed Hampstead. It was initially called Timberlane Parish because of the dense growth of trees native to the area. The colonial governor, Benning Wentworth, renamed the town after the town in England, where William Pitt had a home.

The population of Hampstead has grown by 81 percent since 1980. As of 2010, it ranked 37th among New Hampshire’s incorporated cities and towns. The population numbers are based on the most recent American Community Survey and are subject to revision, deletion, and error. Therefore, we encourage you to contact the community to confirm the accuracy of the information. If you are wondering where the community is located, you can start by researching the demographics of the neighborhood you’re considering.  More

You may also be interested in the percent of non-citizens living in Hampstead. According to the census, Hampstead’s non-citizen population is 3.4%. The town’s largest foreign born population is in Methuen Town, at 23.1%. Overall, the Hampstead NH Population is just half the state average. There are some notable differences between the towns as well.

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Hampstead, NH. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest # 1 Hampstead Hospital 218 East Rd, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 2 Osaka 416 Emerson Ave, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 3 Toss N’ Sauce Italian Pizzeria 10 Main St, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 4 Memorial Gym 2-10 W Rd, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 5 Jamison’s 472 NH-111, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
