Hampstead NH Demographics

Hampstead NH DemographicsIf you’re interested in knowing more about Hampstead NH Demographics, read on! The following information will give you some helpful statistics and background information on this town in New Hampshire. Listed below are some of the most important details you should know. To get started, read about the most popular demographic data for Hampstead, NH. You’ll be amazed at how much information you can find. You’ll also learn how to find out more about this town’s history and culture.

The majority of Hampstead residents are married. There are approximately 66.2% of households headed by a married couple. However, 6.0% of these households were headed by a female householder without a male householder. The rest of the population is composed of non-families, or individuals who lived alone. The average household size in Hampstead is 2.72 people. The area has a low percentage of lone occupant households. This article

Although Hampstead is not as large as some other  communities, it has a relatively small number of foreign-born residents. As a result, it has a lower percentage of foreign-born residents than the average of other New Hampshire towns. Furthermore, the town has fewer single people than other towns in the state. The population density is just under half that of New Hampshire. But the demographics of Hampstead are still interesting for the rest of us.

The Hampstead Holiday Parade is one of the most popular events in the town, and attracts residents from surrounding areas. The event takes place on scenic NH Rt. 121 and includes local businesses and fun floats. Local businesses, including Lewis Builders, have won the Best Float Award for their entry. For summer entertainment, residents and visitors alike can check out the Summer Concert Series at Meetinghouse Park. Check this out

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Hampstead, NH. We compiled a quick list here. 

Point Of Interest # 1 Saint Anne Parish 26 Emerson Ave, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 2 The Zone Gym 142 NH-111, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 3 The Fort Fitness Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 4 passport pilates 35 Gigante Dr, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States
Point Of Interest # 5 Phantom Gymnastics 142 NH-111, Hampstead, NH 03841, United States